American School of Creative Science & UAE National Agenda

At ASCS, we take active measures to promote awareness of the UAE National Agenda among all stakeholders. We equip our students, teachers, leaders, and parents with the knowledge and tools to enable us to meet the UAE National Agenda Indicators.

TIMSS is an international science and mathematics test taken by Grade 4 & 8 students in 72 countries and regions across the world. It takes place every four years.
ASCS is committed to raising our students’ proficiency in math and science.
Our Grade 4 students sat the PIRLS 2021 in 20-21 AY. Literacy remains one of the school’s main priorities. Reading literacy is the ability to understand and use those written language forms required by society and/or valued by the individual. At ASCS, we strive to cultivate avid readers who can construct meaning from texts in a variety of forms. The focus on reading is as a tool to learn, participate in communities They read to learn, to participate in communities of readers in school and everyday life, and for enjoyment.
UAE Social Studies
UAE social studies are mapped and integrated into ASCS’s curriculum from K-9. Here at ASCS, we utilize a wide variety of methods and resources in teaching and learning UAE Social Studies, including a focus on student engagement, collaboration, and research skills.
Moral Education
The UAE Moral Education is taught as a stand-alone subject from Grades 1 and up. In addition, key components from the Moral Education curriculum are integrated into our morning homeroom personal, social, and emotional development sessions. A wide variety of assessments measure the impact of this program including performance-based, student reflections, and hands-on application projects with strong links to UAE Heritage.
The ASCS Inclusion department is led by Mr Umar Seyyed Naeem. For more information on Inclusion at ASCS, please click here.
Reading & Literacy
ASCS works to promote reading as a daily habit among our students. ASCS supports essential higher-order skills of literacy comprehension, analysis, and critique of digital and print materials to ensure students have the skills required to achieve success in international assessments. Online learning resources such as RAZ Kids, Achieve 3000, 3asafeer, as well as Exact Path, work as personalized tools to strengthen our students’ literacy skills and promote reading for pleasure.
Our Ed-tech plan has been designed to enhance student learning and engagement. All students from Grades 1 and up bring their own Apple Device that meets the specifications required by the school. All teachers undergo Apple training to embed the Apple Elements of Learning within their lessons promoting creativity, literacy, collaboration, and research skills.