The ASCS Experience

The American School of Creative Science provides a rich extra-curricular program that has a focus on the all-round development of students and nurturing their interests and talents. Activities include both individual pursuits and team-building activities for students.
Leadership is a trait that is nurtured at all levels and starts with students learning to embody our ASCS Learner Dispositions and taking responsibility for their own learning.

Leadership in KG
Our educators work closely with our students facilitating self-directed play and work to foster our students’ unique interests allowing for independent pursuits. Leadership is further nurtured through the roles and responsibilities assigned in the class.
Playground Buddies
Our students in Grades 1-4 take on leadership roles through our Playground Buddy Council. Overseen by our school social worker, our playground buddies work to promote positive relationships and develop students’ social skills.
Middle School & High School
Students have many opportunities to develop their leadership skills at the American School of Creative Science and beyond. The Student Council is dedicated to providing leadership opportunities for students, providing services to the school and community, and making the lives of students more enjoyable. Students selected for the Student Council are assigned roles and responsibilities which develop their sense of responsibility and confidence. The Ambassadors help to welcome new students into the Middle School while developing their own leadership skills.
Council members also lead the development of our school magazine “ASCS Chronicles”.
Students selected for the Student Council are assigned roles and responsibilities which develop their sense of responsibility and confidence. Throughout the year the Ambassadors lead other students in community building activities as well as transitional activities for the incoming Grade 6 classes as well as being buddied up with new students entering ASCS throughout the year to help ensure a smooth transition.
There are many other opportunities for students to engage with the internal and external school community such as through the High School Community Service program, Red Crescent Ambassador program or serving as a Mental Health Ambassador, Eco Ambassador, or Health & Safety Ambassador.
Student extracurricular activities as well as field trips organized are designed to develop personal interests but also to remember their duties towards the community with a focus of service to others.