How to Manage the Transition from Primary to Secondary School

The time when a child is transitioning from primary to secondary school is critical in their development. It is at this age when they take some of their first steps towards independence, separating their social circle from that of their family, and begin thinking of their academic future. Of course, all of these things can make the process of changing schools a scary one for children. ASCS Al Barsha, one of the best American curriculum schools in Dubai, is determined to help students find ways to cope should they find that the change in environment and routine has become stressful.
It is important to understand a child’s point of view regarding what makes for a successful transition into secondary school. In other words, since every child is different in terms of his or her social preferences, emotional responses, and academic performance, it’s important to take into account what they will see as a positive transition. For most students, making new friends is a top priority. Failing to do this can have a great impact on their self-esteem, making them feel like they don’t “fit in” at school. Many students need to feel like they are starting right where they left off in primary school. The feeling of being behind one’s peers academically can be a cause of worry for both students and parents. Although it can be difficult at first, settling into the more complicated routine of a secondary school is also important for children. Being organized and prepared helps them tackle other obstacles with more ease.
There are many things parents can do to make this process easier. Before the new year starts, getting children involved in community activities will help them become more confident in their social skills. Parents should always attend orientation and open house days, as this is a good opportunity to meet other students and parents beforehand.
ASCS, the best American curriculum school in Dubai has incredible facilities. Students use them by getting involved in extracurricular activities, which is a great way to make friends and feel like part of the school community. It is important to note that the routine of a secondary school is far more varied and requires self-management. Parents should start letting their children plan out their schedules and only step in when they need help or a guiding hand. With these points in mind, helping your child take the next step in their academic career should be easier than ever.